سه شنبه, ۱۸ مرداد ۱۴۰۱، ۰۷:۰۴ ب.ظ

مجموعه آموزش مهندسی معکوس ابتدایی (R4ndom’s Beginning Reverse Engineering Tutorials)
پیشنیاز : آشنایی با زبان سی و اسمبلی
لینک آموزش : https://legend.octopuslabs.io/sample-page.html
سرفصل های مجموعه :
- What is reverse engineering?
- Introducing OllyDBG
- Using OllyDBG, Part 1
- Using OllyDBG, Part 2
- Our First (Sort Of) Crack
- Our First (True) Crack
- More Crackmes
- Frame Of Reference
- No Strings Attached
- Solution to “No Strings Attached”
- The Levels of Patching
- Breaking In Our Noob Skills
- A Tougher NOOBy Example
- Cracking a Real Program
- How to remove nag screens
- Using the Call Stack
- Dealing with Windows Messages
- Self Modifying Code
- Bruteforcing.
- Working with Delphi Binaries
- Time Trials and Hardware Breakpoints
- Creating patchers
- Dealing with Visual Basic Binaries, Part 1
- Dealing with Visual Basic Binaries, Part 2
- Anti-Debugging Techniques
- Code Caves and PE Sections
- TLS Callbacks
آموزش های تکمیلی :
- Creating a code cave to show a custom splash on an application
- Adding a menu item to an existing binary.
- Making a Window Non-Closeable.
- Opening message boxes every time a user tries to close a program.
- Adding an opening message box through DLL injection
- Adding a splash bitmap through DLL injection
- Cracking DriverFinder
- Unpacking PELock v1.06
- Bypassing a keyfile
- Bypassing a Serial and server Check
- Bypassing a Serial in a Delphi Binary
- Finding a serial using bitmaps.
- Easy unpacking.
- Where and How to pacth a serial routine.
- Patching a server check, 30 day time trial, and a nag.
- Serialfishing a correct serial.
- Another way of finding the patch
- Why it’s so important to search for pointers.
- .NET Crackme with tutorial
- .NET Crackme (no tutorial)